Whether you’re using the RollerMouse Red Series, or the RollerMouse Free3 you will experience the full ergonomic benefits that come from using a central pointing device. You’ll stop reaching for the mouse, saving time and strain on your forearms, elbows, and shoulders. RollerMouse also will allow you to eliminate gripping, which can cause strain and pain in the hand.
Balance Keyboard takes the benefits of the RollerMouse and kicks it up a notch. A compact-sized keyboard with a full 9-digit number pad, and a minimized edge in front of the space bar, Balance Keyboard ensures that your reach is minimal, and your posture stays neutral. Add to that a negative tilt option and you can see why the Balance Keyboard is the perfect partner for the RollerMouse.
Balance Keyboard is meant to work with the RollerMouse Red Series and RollerMouse Free3. If you are unsure which mouse is right for you, please check out these resources!
RollerMouse Red Series
RollerMouse Free3
RollerMouse Comparison Page
Balance Keyboard.
Turn your Ultimate Workstation into an ergonomic home office and save.
Tech Specifications
Red – 1.7 lbs
Red Plus – 2.5 lbs
Free 3 – 1.45lbs
Red – 16.15 × 3.95 × 0.95 in
Red Plus – 16.75 × 6.2 × 0.95 in
Free 3 – 19.25 x 4.5 x 0.9 in
RollerMouse Scroll Wheel
RollerMouse Buttons
6 Programmable Buttons
Sensor Type
Red – Twin-eye laser
Red Plus – Twin-eye laser
Free 3 – Optical
RollerMouse DPI
600 | 800 | 1000 | 1200 | 1400 | 1600 | 1800 | 2000 | 2400 | 2800
Operating System
OSX | Windows
Optional, available on the Support page for RollerMouse.
Balance Keyboard Mac Driver Available on the Support page
Wired | Wireless