The Minirator MR-PRO is a very versatile and powerful signal generator that supports a wide range of applications and offers a lot of features including:
- The powerful feature of low-impedance Servo-Loop output (regulated)
- 18 dBu maximum output level which’s pretty exceptional for a handheld battery-powered device
- Automatically measures the DC voltage (Phantom power)
- Balance indicator for the load impedance symmetry
- Measures the load impedance in details
- By using a MR-PRO, you’re able to download and replay your own 16 bit/48 kHz WAV files (a free file format convertor is available. You can download it from:
- XLR Cable testing which simplifies troubleshooting.
The MR2 being lighter and cheaper than MR-PRO can be named as his little brother. It offers no preset memories nor WAV file play. Impedance, voltage and cable testing are removed as well. The output level is decreased by 10 dB, the THD is also increased by 6 dB due to the increased noise level and the output impedance is increased to 200 ohms.
At last, Felixtrument supplies a complete range of innovative acoustics and audio equipment which come in different types and sizes. Therefore, if you are in need of any Acoustics & Audio equipment; you may browse through our various products which you may find in the mentioned link; to find the one which best suits your needs.