OPENBCI EEG HEADBAND KIT { Best Price in India } – Distributor/Dealer


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The new and improved EEG headband kit is here! Now includes easy-to-use snap Ag-AgCl electrodes and cables.

The OpenBCI Headband kit is a great starter kit for EEG measurements! Researchers, instructors, and students will find this budget-friendly option very easy to use. The leads included are compatible with all OpenBCI biosensing boards: CytonGanglion, and CytonDaisy. Boards sold separately.

Check out the EEG Headband Tutorial for a quick guide to viewing your real-time brain waves on the free open-source OpenBCI GUI application!

Additionally head to our short YouTube videos to see how live-stream EEG data with Cyton and Ganglion!

This 8-channel dry EEG Headband Kit Includes:

  • Pack of 1.5meter lead wires terminating in snaps
  • comb snap Ag-AgCl electrodes
  • flat snap Ag-AgCl electrodes (for forehead placement)
  • 1x pair ear clip electrode cables with replacement electrodes
  • 1 velcro headband, one-size-fits-all

The kit allows frontal cortex, temporal, parietal, and occipital measurements. Measurement can be taken at including but not limited to FT7/FT8, T7/T8, TP7/TP8, P7/P8, PO7/PO8, O1/O2, and Oz nodes, depending where you position the electrodes. See product images for more info.



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