EMOTIV-X-trodes Xtr EXG2 { Best Price in India } – Distributor/Dealer

EMOTIV-X-trodes Xtr EXG2-2-channel wearable dry electrode array patch for multi-purpose electrophysiological monitoring

Contact us on team@bvmindia.in and Call: +91-9205161813


Conduct seamless EEG data measurements with X-trodes and EmotivPRO. Pair X-trodes’ comfortable, wireless 2-electrode patches with EmotivPRO and measure high-quality EEG data anytime, anywhere in real-time.

xtr EXG₂ Montage kit includes

30x xtr EXG₂ Montages – SKU: XTEL0002005RM

X-trodes’ 2-electrode patches measure EEG data while doing any activity. These ultra-thin, soft, and flexible patches conform perfectly to the skin and can be placed anywhere on the head.

1x Data Acquisition Unit (DAU) – SKU: XTDAUBT01301GG

X-trodes’ lightweight and wireless DAU amplifies, records, and transmits EEG data seamlessly to EmotivPRO via Bluetooth.


EMOTIV’s advanced neuroscience data collection platform for EEG data acquisition and storage.

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