Our USB Screw Lock cables are fully certified to USB 2.0 specifications and they are they are the best cables that money can buy! USB 2.0 device failure do to poor quality cabling is a leading cause of poor performance in the devices they are connected to. Currently, we have the Screw Lock USB 2.0 cables available in three lengths: 6 feet, 10 feet, and 15 feet.
The USB 2.0 is peripheral bus standard brings plug and play to computer peripherals outside the box, without the need to install expansion cards and reconfigure the system. We have developed a Screw Lock USB 2.0 device cable with screw locks on each end (type A and type B) to make these types of applications secure.
PC’s equipped with USB 2.0 will automatically configure connected peripherals as soon as they are physically attached – without the need to reboot or run setup. USB 2.0 will also allow up to 127 devices to run simultaneously on a computer. These screw lock USB cables allow you to hook up your USB devices safely and securely so you’ll never have to worry about accidental disconnection ever again!
Product Specifications